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China Mobile HK organizes NB-IoT demo event

China Mobile Hong Kong has held the territory's first narrowband IoT network demo event, demonstrating a smart parking service carried over its commercial NB-IoT network.

This and other on-site demonstrations aimed to illustrate a full IoT ecosystem, comprising chipset, terminal, network, platform and applications.

Well-known IoT vendors jointly presented major application scenarios including utilities, wearables, transportation and logistics, home and architecture as well as other vertical industries.

As well as the smart parking service, other applications were demonstrated including smart street lighting and metering, smart home applications and smart wearables such as child wristwatches and spectacles.

“In recent years, Hong Kong is committed to smart city vision and relevant developments in the industries. However, robust network infrastructure, related technologies and services are required to leap forward and enter the true IoT era of intelligent industries,” China Mobile Hong Kong CEO Sean Lee said.

“Thanks to extensive experiences from our parent company in China and close partnerships in the industry chain from device, platform, to application, CMHK now offers an all-inclusive NB-IoT network solution to local smart industry developers.”

China Mobile Hong Kong launched its NB-IoT network earlier this month. Rival operators 3 Hong Kong and SmarTone have also made recent forays into NB-IoT.
