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Google Cloud IoT core arrives in public beta

Google has officially announced that Google Cloud IoT Core is now available in public beta. The service was first introduced through the Google I/O conference this year. To enhance its IoT offerings, the service is being consolidated with new partnerships and features.

Available on GCP (Google Cloud Platform), the fully-managed Google Cloud IoT enables businesses to manage and secure the scalability of their connected IoT solutions. An official company release stated, “Cloud IoT Core, using Cloud Pub/Sub underneath, can aggregate dispersed device data into a single global system that integrates seamlessly with Google Cloud data analytics services. Use your IoT data stream for advanced analytics, visualizations, machine learning and more to help you improve operational efficiency, anticipate problems, and build rich models that better describe and optimize your business.”

Cloud IoT Core allows businesses to manage millions of IoT device which are dispersed globally and provides data analytics. Apart from Cloud Pub/Sub, it can be leveraged in conjunction with Google Cloud Machine Learning, Google BigQuery, Google Cloud Bigtable, and Google Cloud Dataflow. The standout feature is that users can rope in their own certificate – Certificate Authority (CA) which will get verified by Google Cloud IoT for authentication.

The service will maintain its support for the MQTT protocol along with support for HTTP-based connections too. This will make data injection into GCP simpler, and scalable. In addition to that, logical representation of devices is offered through APIs for cases when a business has a requirement to extract the last state of a specific IoT device.

Google has been keen to up their game of cloud offerings to make inroads in the IoT market. Android Things was launched last year as a developer framework to help companies create software for devices on the IoT and establish a connection with the platforms in use. The market has other prominent names such as Microsoft, IBM, and Amazon with an expected value of $325 billion.

Google Cloud IoT Core is priced on the basis of the amount of data consumed every month. Till 250MB, the service is free. Anything above that is chargeable for every MB consumed.
