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Australia announces 3.4 GHz auction for 5G

The latest regulator to announce plans for a spectrum auction geared to 5G is Australia’s ACMA, which aims to hold a sale in multiple bands late this year. This will include 1.8 GHz spectrum, which will be subject to caps, but the 5G-oriented midband airwaves in 3.4 GHz will have no caps. Australia, like other countries such as China, expect the spectrum between 3.4 GHz and 3.8 GHz (or up to 4.2 GHz in some cases) to be prime candidates for 5G deployments, supporting high capacity to complement sub-1 GHz coverage bands, but without the technical challenges of millimeter wave bands. Acting on the advice of the Competition and Consumer Commission, the government has decided not to cap 3.4 GHz…
