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CRC consults on proposed frequency allocations

Bulgarian telecoms watchdog the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) has launched a public consultation procedure on the proposed allocation of available spectrum in the 1.5GHz, 2GHz, 2.6GHz and 3.6GHz radio frequency bands. The CRC says that there is currently 580MHz of available spectrum as follows: 2×10MHz in the 800MHz band (811MHz-821MHz/852MHz-862MHz), that could be provided if tests show that there is no interference between the Ministry of Defence (MO) and mobile operators; 2×10MHz in the 1800MHz band; 40MHz in the 1.5GHz range; 2 15MHz in the 2GHz range (provided for temporary use by 15.12.2017); 190MHz in the 2.6GHz range (including 2×20MHz provided for temporary use by 20 November 2017); and 280MHz in the 3400MHz-3800MHz band (in time division duplex [TDD] mode).

The authority proposes to sell eight blocks of 5MHz in the 1.5GHz (1452MHz-1492MHz) band, three paired blocks of 5MHz in the 2GHz (1920MHz-1935MHz/2110MHz-2125MHz), 14 paired 5MHz blocks of frequency division duplex (FDD) spectrum in the 2.6GHz (2500MHz-2570MHz/2620MHz-2690MHz), ten blocks of 5MHz TDDspectrum in the 2.6GHz (2570MHz-2620MHz), 34 blocks of 5MHz in the 3.6GHz (3430MHz-3600MHz) band and 22 blocks of 5MHz TDD in the 3.6GHz (3645MHz-3700MHz and 3745MHz-3800MHz). All interested parties are given 30 days to submit their comments on the topic.
