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Cloud-based mobile solution launched for flight attendants and cabin crew staff

Experts agree, when it comes to how a passenger judges their flight-experience, the nature of their interactions with flight attendants couldn't be more important. Unfortunately, in many cases, technology hasn't been harnessed in a meaningful way to get the most value as possible in this area. Stepping up to help is Thailand based startup Mobipax, who announced an August 30, 2017 launch date for their new Cloud-based mobile solution designed for flight attendants. Mobipax uses the latest breakthroughs in modern technology, incorporating Blockchain and AI, to dramatically improve customer service, customer recognition, claims management and on-board sales. The platform calls for no upfront investment by airlines or other transportation providers, instead requiring only a per flight fee for each flight maintained by Mobipax.

“We couldn't be more excited by our launch,” commented a spokesperson from the company. “Our team has over 100 years combined airline business and IT experience and that has all gone into delivering real value to flight attendants who have access to Mobipax.”

According to Mobipax, the benefits of the mobile solution couldn't be more far reaching. Highlights include: Mobipax providing enhanced detailed Passenger Information about all passengers taking a flight, allowing flight attendants to deliver a much more personalized passenger experience; access to easy to deliver Passenger Surveys, that remove the need for clumsy paper surveys forever; the ability to record all the important Trip Incidents and Feedbacks; allowing photos to be attached as documentation; Trip Schedule management; flexible On Board Sales of services, meals, drinks and duty free items; along with many other future possibilities as Mobipax grows.

Mobipax features a robust “offline” mode where no WiFi connection is required, allowing flight attendants to synchronize the application before the flight and then run the app while in flight mode without any safety concerns or issues. All relevant information is stored on the mobile device until it later connects to the Cloud and resynchronizes its data as needed after the flight.

The Cloud-based mobile solution has been set up with Mobipax paying particular attention to keeping it as cost effective for airlines to use as possible. In pursuit of this vision, Mobipax is available at a very attractive price point – there's no charge per passenger, no charge per user and no mobile app licensing fee; instead Mobipax charges only per flight. 20 flights are offered free of charge to all new sign-ups, opening the door for interested airlines who would like to run a trial of the application, without making a financial commitment.

The team at Mobipax remarked, “We know it's vitally important to keep costs low. We are delivering an enhanced experience for passengers, we're cutting down the work load of attendants, and opening the door for enhancing the revenue collected in-flight. All while keeping what we charge to take advantage of our platform as low as possible. If there ever was a win for airlines, it's here with Mobipax. We are bringing the Future to Cabins.”

The new mobile solution is available for iOS and Android devices.
