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Indonesia launches WhatsApp booking system for passport application and renewal

Directorate General of Law and Human Rights Ministry yesterday launched passport request service via Whatsapp. The service applies in 26 immigration office across Indonesia receiving 150 passport requests per day, such as Greater Jakarta (Jabodetabek), Yogyakarta and Central Java.

The service can be enjoyed by residents of Bogor, for example. Bogor Immigration Office head Herman Lukman said yesterday that most of Indonesians own mobile phones that run WhatsApp. The service allows people wanting to apply for a passport or an extension by sending a message to Bogor Immigration Office WhatsApp number 08 1111 00 333.

The message should be in the following format: #NAME#DateofBirth#DateofArrival. "For example #Budi#25011987#07082017 then send to 08 1111 00 333," Herman explained.

After filing a request, applicants will receive a reply from the Immigration Office in the form of booking codes. They will get a queue number and date to attend the Immigration Office.

He said that the system ensures service on time and allows applicant to file a request from home, adding that booking codes must be shown upon attending the Immigration Office.

Applicants should arrive 30 minutes ahead of schedule. Those who come late will see their application become null and void.

"If the booking codes become null and void, you may apply again," Herman said.

"Request for damaged or lost passports may not be applied via WhatsApp," Herman said.
