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High speed broadband welcomed in Rhu

MORE thank 800 homes and businesses in Rhu are now able to connect to high-speed fibre broadband due to the Digital Scotland Superfast Broadband programme.

The Digital Scotland team celebrated fibre availability in the Argyll and Bute village as they visited a fibre street cabinet that will help serve the local area.

The team were joined by Rhu Marina manager, Suzanne Bell, and Argyll and Bute Council leader, Aileen Morton.

Other areas in Argyll and Bute to benefit from the rollout, led by the Scottish Government, include Helensburgh, Rosneath, Clynder, Cardross and Arrochar.

Cllr Morton, said: “Superfast fibre broadband will benefit both local residents and businesses. Broadband is a vital part of Argyll and Bute’s present and future.

“It’s essential that we embrace this latest generation of technology in order for our local economy to remain competitive.

“Better, faster communications boost businesses, helping them grow, and create more jobs. What’s more, local residents can enjoy faster browsing and downloading at home.

“This is great news for Rhu and we are determined to make sure everyone in Argyll and Bute has access to digital services and the skills and confidence to go online and use them.”

Ms Bell added: “It’s good to see this project reaching rural communities and giving an increasing number of homes and businesses the chance to connect to high-speed broadband.

“Rhu Marina has various events coming up and we are excited that this infrastructure is in place so that we can benefit - particularly through our online promotion. Rhu Marina also offer free wi-fi to all customers and visitors who can now enjoy high speed, reliable connectivity including all of the pontoons.”

Across Argyll and Bute, more than 24,000 homes and businesses can benefit from fibre broadband, thanks to the programme.
