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Dubai Taxi introduces ‘Smart Tow’ to help taxi breakdown

RTA’s Dubai Taxi Corporation (DTC) has launched the 'Smart Tow' system offering roadside assistance for taxi breakdown via smartphone application.

The DTC has recently signed a contract with the Arabian Automobile Association (AAA), a leading provider of roadside solutions, to operate and upgrade the service. The system is designed to ease the delivery of roadside assistance to the public, develop a modern way that helps reduce road traffic accidents and congestions and improve the level of service through the rapid deployment of recovery service, if needed. The process is in line with the strategy of making Dubai the smartest city in the world.Dr. Yousef Mohammed Al Ali, CEO of Dubai Taxi Corporation, RTA, said, "Launching the Smart Tow system provides a platform for marketing the recovery service and expediting the response to accidents. It forms part and parcel of DTC relentless efforts to provide top class and smart taxi services to the public with the aim of uplifting the level of service to excellent standards."This service is operated via the ‘Smart Tow’ app through sending the coordinates of the vehicle’s location to the nearest recovery vehicle amongst recovery firms registered in the system.Mohammed Ben Sulayem, Chairman of the Arabian Automobile Association said that Dubai Taxi Corporation's initiative placing vehicle towing under a digital platform is a positive step towards streamlining the traffic movement in Dubai.
