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GTD to deploy the STB software platform for IPTV offer

The operator has a fibre optic network, over which it offers fixed-line and pay-TV services in and around Santiago. The company, which has earned a reputation for high quality service delivery across its 20,000km fibre network, also controls Telsur, covering Chile's south with IPTV, voice and Internet services.

The intended aim of the implementation and upcycling is significant cost savings as, having moved to an all IP network, GTD needed to adapt both its middleware and STB hardware platforms to take advantage of access to new network capabilities. With an extensive customer base still using legacy STBs, it was vital for GTD to not only extend the life of its existing hardware deployments, but also enhance its infrastructure by implementing a more stable middleware platform.

“We know it is vital for GTD to keep up with customer demands for a modern user experience, but we need to do this in an efficient way that makes good financial sense,” explained TV technical director Cristian Tobar. “Amino Enable has allowed us to do that, improving operational capabilities, reducing ongoing costs and helping us get the most from our existing capital investments.”

“One of the biggest issues we are seeing with a number of our customers is the challenge of delivering the modern TV experience consumers demand in a cost-effective way,” added Amino chief executive Donald McGarva. “The trouble is operators face the obstacle of modernising legacy STBs that are not compatible with new systems, and yet most are not in a position to be burdened by the heavy investment required for a costly hardware swap-out.”
