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More superfast broadband for Buckinghamshire

Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire are working together as a Connected Counties and the phase I BDUK roll-out has completed and the phase II roll-out is underway in Hertfordshire and should start delivering in volume to push the two counties towards a goal of 95% superfast coverage in 12 months time.

The news today is that there is some £800,000 to £860,000 of money that is going to allow an additional 2,500 premises to be added to the roll-out specifically in Buckinghamshire. ISPreview spotted the extra build first and we've been a bit slower as we wanted to do a sweep to ensure we were not missed anything exciting in terms of delivered broadband across Buckinghamshire.

What is interesting is when you go hunting for more information we can find more on the Wycombe District Council website, but this confusingly talks of investment for 4,500 premises in Wycombe as part of a 12,500 premise roll-out across the county. We believe that this may be a figure that is combining some of the new roll-out and the phase II work. So a little like the confusion that makes the public angry when coverage figures talk about fibre with no clear definiton of what baseline speed is implied it is no surprise that people are confused about what is being delivered.

What we can say is 2,500 additional superfast premises in Buckinghamshire will add 1 to 1.2% to the overall superfast figure and our knowledge of the existing coverage and premise counts for Buckinghamshire and its district councils is set out below (remember Milton Keynes is working with Central Bedfordshire and Luton in their own roll-outs).
