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E-commerce gains momentum in Bangladesh

According to sources, there are usually 10,000 e-commerce transactions daily during the year

Technological advances have made shopping easy without the hassle of having to push through crowds, or traffic roadblocks. Thanks to e-commerce businesses, you can now enjoy the convenience of shopping for your favorite products from the comfort of your home.

This shopping-from-home trend has become particularly popular with younger generations. With Eid around the corner, online sales have crossed Tk300 crore. Compared to the rest of the year, business for e-commerce companies have increased by 30%, said online company sources.

According to sources, there are usually 10,000 e-commerce transactions daily during the year.

However, during festivals and celebrations, this number increases three times, to 30,000. The rising popularity of mobile financial services (MFS) for e-commerce and online purchase has led insiders to believe that trading in future will further increase.

Over the last five years, e-commerce companies have come to offer everything, from clothes to suits, household utensils, luxury items, and shoes; from spinach to shrimp, cell phones made in Bangladesh to iPhones, gadgets, fast food and groceries.

There are around 100 e-commerce companies in the country, however, only 50 of them are currently active. According to the E-Commerce Association of Bangladesh (ECAB), there are over 10,000 Facebook-based e-commerce entrepreneurs. All of their sales have gone up before Eid. Around 40% of e-commerce in Bangladesh is carried out over Facebook.

Business usually goes up during Ramadan for e-commerce companies, said ex-president of the Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS), Shameem Ahsan. He told the Bangla Tribune: “We have seen this trend in the last few years. Online sales have gone up threefold this year as well. There has been increased business from outside Dhaka as well, which is a good sign for this industry. Business has been over Tk300 crore for e-commerce companies.”

Chief Executive Officer of Ajker Deal, Fahim Mashroor told the Bangla Tribune: “Sales have increased since last week. Because of bKash’s cashback offer, most payments have been through bKash.”

He said: “Sales have gone up by 30% because of Eid compared to the rest of the year. During the two weeks around Eid, daily sales are almost twice the regular demand.”

Multiple e-commerce entrepreneurs have confirmed that bKash is the preferred method of payment for clients. Rocket comes next. MFS companies have also enjoyed a 30% increase in transactions because of Eid.

Jahidul Islam, Assistant General Manager for bKash, told the Bangla Tribune that bKash is partnering with 59 companies for cashback offers. Of these, 28 are e-commerce businesses, and they have had good responses from clients. “Customers have been responding positively to our offers. We usually give these offers out during various celebrations,” he said.

Online smartphone sales have also increased. Sales of smartphones and gadgets have gone up on sites like, kiksha, and others.

Solar Electro Bangladesh Limited (SEBL) is the distributor of Xiaomi mobile phones, the new fad in Bangladesh. SEBL’s CEO, Dewan Kanon, told Bangla Tribune: “Both our ‘Mi Flagship Store’ and online ‘Mi Store’ have seen an increase in sales of nearly 25-30%. Even though demand was slow at the start of Ramadan, sales have picked up near the end. So business has been strong online as well. People are very extravagant about buying a smartphone now. They usually check products out on their phone or laptop and order from there.”

Mirajul Haque, head of Marketing for told Bangla Tribune: “Bagdoom’s main objective is to provide customers with the best product at the cheapest rate and as quickly as possible, wherever in the country the customer may be.” He further added: “This Eid, we have seen a 30% rise in orders compared to last time. 4-5% of these are being paid through credit or debit cards. And 80% are being paid through cash on delivery.”
