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ZTE achieves 2.1Gbps data rate in 3D-MIMO trial

ZTE has announced it has achieved a record high peak data rate of 2.1Gbps over a commercial deployment of pre5G massive multiple input multiple output (MIMO) in Quanzhou.

The deployment of pre5G massive MIMO (or 3D-MIMO) technology for China Mobile's Quanzhou branch Quanzhou Mobile in big video environments verified the peak cell rate for the technology.

With 16 commercial terminals connected, single carrier downlink peak cell rate reached 730Mbps, while three-carrier 16-stream downlink reached 2.1Gbps.

ZTE said that by using massive MIMO on the same bandwidth, 3D-MIMO base stations can achieve a peak throughput seven times higher than existing 4G macro stations.

ZTE and China Mobile have been investing in development and verification of 3D-MIMO technology since 2015, and last year conducted pre-commercial verification in 50 cities across 29 provinces.

Separately, China Mobile Shanghai and the China Mobile Research Institute have teamed up with Huawei to conduct a 5G field trial to verify 5G high band and low band coordination technology.

The testing demonstrated an average user data rate of up to 1.7Gbps using 200-MHz of low-frequency spectrum, while 5G dual connectivity can achieve a single user peak throughput of 18Gbps.

Huawei and China Mobile also plan to test applications for 5G in automotive networks, such as tele-operated driving.
