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Ixia announces collaboration with the CORD Project

Ixia, a leading provider of network testing, visibility and security solutions, today announced a collaboration with the CORD Project, the community advancing the open source CORD® platform for software defined networks (SDN), network functions virtualization (NFV), and elastic cloud-based service delivery. As service providers move to 5G, the collaboration will help ensure data center quality and performance.

CORD (Central Office Re-architected as a Datacenter) is a platform combining SDN, NFV and cloud technologies to build nimble in-line datacenters at the edge of operator networks. As service providers begin re-architecting their networks for 5G, they need comprehensive testing prior to deployment to ensure quality of service and performance, as well as embed visibility after deployment to ensure success. The CORD Project was initially launched by Open Networking Lab (ON.Lab), the non-profit organization merging with Open Networking Foundation (ONF) to accelerate the adoption of SDN and NFV, and is hosted by The Linux Foundation.

“CORD is building its community and solutions through the ONF’s Open Innovation Pipeline, enabling companies like Ixia to insert their unique innovation anywhere along this pipeline,” said Aseem Parikh, Vice President of Partnerships and Solutions at ONF/ON.Lab. “We’re thrilled Ixia has joined the project, and look forward to seeing how they further our momentum towards 5G and help service providers bring innovation into PoCs, trials and beyond.”

Ixia test solutions help service providers deploy cutting-edge networks and services, such as Voice over LTE and LTE radio access networks (RAN), as well as move to 5G. Ixia IxLoad™ Wireless provides end-to-end performance testing for networks and components with emulation of multiplay services, enabling service providers to ensure that their services perform as expected. In addition, Ixia’s PerfectStorm™ application and security test hardware, helps service providers achieve optimal data center infrastructure performance by testing with realistic data, video voice, storage, and network traffic.

Ixia’s network visibility portfolio, which includes network packet brokers (NBP) such as Vision ONE™, provide real-time, end-to-end visibility, insight and security into physical, virtual, SDN and NFV networks. These solutions help ensure every security and monitoring tool sees exactly the data it needs.

“Ixia is proud to participate in the CORD community,” said Sunil Kalidindi, Vice President of Product Management at Ixia. “As service providers move to deliver 5G services to consumers and business, they need to ensure that their services perform as expected to be successful. Ixia’s carrier-grade wireless network test and visibility tools will help the CORD community ensure quality and robustness of their datacenters prior to and after deployment as we progress towards 5G.”
