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MeetingPlay presents 3rd Generation Mobile Event App

Officially announced today, while recently implemented with great success and loud applaud to select clients, MeetingPlay introduces their revolutionary generation 3 of mobile event appsand event engagement platform.

MeetingPlay’s generation 3 platform of mobile event apps revolutionize event engagementand while crafting meaningful experiences through a proprietary algorithm. The first wave algorithm was created by leading mobile and web application developers and leads the newly customized experience in three ways:

1. Event attendees experience within the app is customized based on learned behaviors from utilization within the web and mobile event app. This experience follows the event app user across platforms, whether mobile, tablet, or web native, allowing attendees to experience content that they crave, in a way that maximizes user experiences.

2. Specific and customizable event and agenda data can additionally be uploaded and integrated within the event app from event and meeting planners. This additional customization approach provides a detailed and user relevant experience from the first use.

3. Custom catering content and pathways to relevant data for each individual user experience. Based on user preferences, data and content will be delivered based on their likes and interests, weeding and segmenting large event and meeting audiences over 1,000 attendees – into a custom and unique user experience.

Additional roll-outs in the work include custom attendee matchmaking – bringing networking within event apps and onsite meetings creating a truly invaluable experience. Previous and future roll features of MeetingPlay's mobile event apps have resulted in industry leading event app download and adoption rates.

MeetingPlay’s founder Joe Schwinger had this to say about the new release:

“We’re thrilled to take our industry leading event technology platform, and match the expectations of attendees even before the event planners are realizing. Our goal continues to be strengthening events through successful event technology – and our generation 3 mobile event apps are part of our continuous efforts.”

MeetingPlay’s generation 3 event app platform is a three-part software update to MeetingPlay’s current proprietary algorithm, and will continue to roll out in the coming weeks ahead, with each segment building on the previous.
