Orange Jordan recently signed a strategic service cooperation agreement with the Jordan Post, through which the Jordan Post will provide telecommunications services to the masses via its post offices spread around the Kingdom, in order to serve a broader segment of citizens.
This partnership, which aims to continue providing a wide range of telecommunications services to the public – including telegram services and Orange lines at the post offices – was announced during a recent signing ceremony, which was attended by the CEO of Orange Jordan, Jérôme Hénique; the Chief Enterprise Officer of Orange Jordan, Sami Smeirat; and the Director General of the Jordan Post Company, Khaled Lahha.
Per the agreement, Orange Jordan will also provide a set of integrated business solutions to the Jordan Post, including virtual network, multi-protocol label switching services, and data transfer service at both the headquarters and the computerized post offices of the Jordan Post Compan.
Speaking on the occasion, Orange Jordan CEO Jérôme Hénique stressed on the importance of cooperation between Orange Jordan and its enterprise partners, including the Jordan Post Company. Hénique pointed out that this agreement falls in line with the company’s new corporate strategy, Essentials 2020, which focuses on connecting people to all that is essential to them, including for its enterprise customers.
For his part, the Director General of the Jordan Post Company, Khaled Lahham, stressed that enhancing this partnership with Orange Jordan reaffirms the confidence that the private sector has in the Jordan Post Company. He pointed out that, as part of the company’s mid- and long-term plans, Jordan Post seeks to transform its post offices into “Community Service Centers” that provides traditional postal services as well as a package of updated and additional services to keep pace of what is happening in the world, in addition to continuing its cooperation with the private sector.
The Chief Enterprise Officer of Orange Jordan, Sami Smeirat, expressed his pride in the extension of the partnership between the two entities, through which Orange Jordan offers the Jordan Post Company a comprehensive bundle of services, including mobile lines, landlines, data transfer services, a recently expanded communication network, and cloud computing service.