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Kenya to review OTT, MVNO regulation guidelines

Kenya’s Ministry of Information, Communications & Technology is reviewing ICT sector guidelines in regards to regulation of over-the-top (OTT) services – such as WhatsApp, Skype and Viber – amidst complaints from telecoms operators over unfair competition, domestic newspaper Daily Nation writes. Under the plan, the ministry is planning to establish three working groups to oversee infrastructure issues, new emerging issues and applications and content. In addition, the new National ICT Sector Policy Guidelines will include policies regulating the operation of MVNOs in the country. ICT Cabinet Secretary Joe Mucheru was cited as saying: ‘We want the final draft complete by June, the policy should be up and running by early next year … We are taking into account rapid industry changes while reviewing the National ICT Sector Policy Guidelines of 2006 as per the ministry’s 2014/2015 performance contract.’
