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TRAI India recommends entire spectrum in 700 MHz band for auction

As telecom regulator TRAI gave its recommendations on the crucial issue of spectrum pricing, including price of the crucial 700MHz band, TRAI Chairman RS Sharma tells ET Now's Gaurie Dwivedi that the timing of the crucial 700MHz band is correct. Given below are edited excerpts.

Q. Opinion in industry is still divided on whether the timing is right for the auction of 700 MHz band. Clearly, TRAI is of the opinion that the band must be auctioned right now?

A. We did a detailed consultation on 700 MHz band. We have taken the view of the entire industry. In fact some operators were saying it should not be done and some felt the 700 MHz auction should take place right now. We deliberated on this issue and have come to the conclusion that this is the right time for auctioning the 700 MHz band. We have recommended to the Govt that the entire spectrum available in this band should be auctioned.

Q. Originally, the pricing that was being discussed for 700 MHz band was almost twice of 900 MHz band; but that hasn't happened. So to some extent telcos have some reason to cheer?

A. I will not be able to give details of the historical thinking on the pricing and positioning of the 700 MHz band vis-a-vis the other bands. The rationale for pricing of all the bands have been given in detail to the Telecom Department.

Q. This is expected to be a mega auction with the expectation that a large chunk of spectrum will be auctioned. Do you think the industry has the appetite for such a large spectrum auction?

A. I can't make a judgement on whether the Government will be able to sell the entire spectrum that's put for auction. We were asked to give pricing recommendations by the Government, we have done that. Its up to the Government to take decision on the timing of the auction and whether there is appetite from the industry for the quantum of spectrum. I would just like to add that TRAI has all along been saying that industry needs more spectrum. Industry has also been asking for release of more spectrum. In fact the industry's entire argument around call drop problem is that there is an acute spectrum crunch. TRAI believes that release of more spectrum will address the call drop problem.

Q. There was an expectation that TRAI will re look spectrum caps. Analysts believe that spectrum caps should be tweaked, Why has TRAI decided to not change the caps?

A. TRAI had considered the entire issue of changing and revising spectrum caps. We looked at both the intra band cap and the overall spectrum cap and had incorporated the views of the industry. My sense is that the industry itself was divided on whether the caps should be relaxed. We also considered the view that with more spectrum being released by the government through the upcoming auction, there is no strong argument for relaxing spectrum caps. I think the caps must stay.
