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Optimization to dominate RAN budgets in 2016

Mobile operators will devote the majority of their RAN budgets in 2016 to optimization, followed by SON, according to Rethink Research.

Operators are expected to spend a combined $1.65 billion on RAN optimization over the year, more than twice the projected $758 million that will be spent on SON, the research firm has predicted.

One motivation for investing in RAN optimization is the goal of being able to track a user's location and relate that to the condition of the cells they need to use.

This would allow operators to cross reference problems found with subscriber information through a customer experience system that enables responses including the ability to offer proactive discounts.

Security, QoE and analytics are also growing in significance in terms of capex budgets, Rethink said. Spending on VoLTE is by contrast expected to peak next year and then start declining as voice is largely shifted to the LTE network.

“Effectively MNOs are entering a phase where they need a far more multi-faceted and commercially driven approach to optimization, rather than just keeping the network up and running,” Rethink Research's Caroline Gabriel said.

“Additionally, they need tools to include different access technologies such as WiFi and must plan, manage and optimize a vast numbers of smaller cells, so automation of this management process, through software, is essential.”
