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SK Telecom demos interconnection of IoT standards

SK Telecom joined hands with five vendors to demonstrate interworking between two different IoT standards at the 2016 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, US.

During the demo, SK Telecom, together with Samsung Electronics, Korea Electronics Technology Institute (KETI), Amtel and Axstone, successfully interconnected the oneM2M and Open Interconnect Consortium (OIC) standards.

The five parties used ThingPlug, SK Telecom’s IoT platform developed based on the oneM2M standard; Samsung Electronics’ OIC devices (e.g. refrigerator and TV); Atmel’s sensor and lighting development kit; and a gateway supplied by the ‘oneM2M-OIC Interworking Solution’ developed by KETI and Axstone.

They were able to successfully control the OIC devices via a smartphone by connecting the two different IoT platforms.

The oneM2M standard has strength in supporting mobile communication between remotely located devices, while the OIC standard support seamless communication between devices located in close proximity, SK Telecom said.

“Interworking between different IoT standards is important as it can dramatically expand the overall IoT ecosystem by boosting the development of IoT products and services that can seamlessly interoperate regardless of standards,” said the company in a statement.

OneM2M, launched in July 2012 by a consortium of ICT standards development bodies, aims to provide a common M2M service layer that can be embedded within various hardware and software to connect devices. The standard currently has 216 participating partners and members consisting of Alcatel-Lucent, Adobe, AT&T, BT, Cisco, Ericsson, Deutsche Telekom, IBM, Intel, Samsung, Sierra Wireless and Telefónica.

The OIC was created in July 2014 by leading technology companies with the goal of defining the industry's connectivity requirements and aims to establish common ground on interoperability of billions of IoT devices. Currently, it has around 100 members including Cisco Systems, General Electric, Intel, MediaTek and Samsung.
