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Thailand plans for 3-day 900-MHz auction

Thailand goes to the auctioneers again on December 15 with two 10-MHz 900-MHz 15-year licences up on the auction block.

The national broadcasting and telecommunications commission has prepared for another marathon auction with the same four bidders as last month’s 30-hour 1800-MHz auction. AIS, Dtac, TrueMove and fixed-line incumbent Jasmine will be bidding for the licences.

NBTC secretary-general Takorn Tantasit said he was confident of a healthy bid. Jasmine still had no spectrum and desperately wanted it, while Dtac only has 15 MHz of long-term spectrum with its 50 MHz of 1800 expiring in 2018.

Takorn said that TrueMove and AIS, the winners of last month’s 1800-MHz auction, still would need more. AIS only has 30 MHz between its 2100 and 1800 licences, while TrueMove has 42.5, while today’s telcos need at least 60 MHz each, he reasoned.

Besides, Takorn said that the two would not let Jasmine or Dtac get spectrum on the cheap.

Each bidder will have 15 minutes to bid and 5 minutes for the bid to be processed so there will be three bids an hour. Each bid will increase the price of the spectrum by $17.9 million (644 million baht).

The auction starts at $357 million (12,864 million baht) at 9 AM on the 15th. Takorn said that by 9 PM on the 15th, the price per licence will be $723 million (26 billion baht), $862 million (31 billion baht ) on 6 AM on the 16th and $1.13 billion (41 billion baht) at 9PM on the 16th.
