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Arab Information and Communication Technologies Organization elects General Secretary

Eng. Mohamed Ben Amor was elected General Secretary of the Arab Information and Communication Technologies Organization (AICTO). Elections took place during the 11th General Assembly of AICTO held on 17th November 2015 as a side event to the international forum ICT4ALL in Hammamet - Tunisia.

Eng Mohamed Ben Amor holds a Master degree in International Project Management from the "Conservatoire National d’Arts et des Métiers", CNAM - Paris (France) in 2010, and an Engineering degree from the Tunisian Naval Academy in 1989.

Mr. BEN AMOR has over 25 years of experience, specializing in the use and evolution of information and communication technologies for development, as well as in analytical, policy, and management and coordination functions at national, regional and International level.

Mr. Ben Amor currently serves as Special Advisor to the Minister of Communication Technologies and Digital Economy, in Charge of International Cooperation. He has occupied successively, since 2011, the post of Special Advisor to the Minister of Industry and Technologies (2011), Special Advisor to the Minister of Information and Communication Technologies (2012 – 2013) and Special Advisor to the Minister of Higher Education Scientific Research and ICT (2014). He served as Director General of the Telecommunications Research and Studies Center CERT (2009 – 2010).

Mr. Ben Amor has been head of the Tunisian delegation to several ITU conferences, as well as Arab and African Ministerial meetings. He led the Tunisian delegation to the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference in Busan 2014, the ITU World Telecommunications Development Conference (WTDC) in Dubai 2014, and the World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT) in Dubai 2012. He represented Tunisian in the Arab Ministerial meeting in Cairo (2014 & 2015) and the African ICT Ministers in Abuja 2010.

He served as ITU Council member, member of the board of ARABSAT, and the expert committee of ESCWA. Mr Ben Amor was the African Chair of the Joint Experts Group for the 8th Partnership, between Africa and European Union, dedicated to ICT, Space Technologies and Science and Technology (2009 -2011).

Mr. Ben Amor started his career as Engineer in 1990 in CERT where he acquired wide expertise through his participation in many research projects and by conducting several technical studies. He gained a wide range of competencies in Information and Communication Technologies field.

Mr. Ben Amor is a recognized expert in the African Development Bank and UN Economic and Social Commission for West Asia (ESCWA), where he was called upon to lead several international studies and projects in ICT development.

Mr. Ben Amor is born in Tunisia in 1962. He is married with two children. He is fluent in three languages Arabic, English, and French.

Source: AICTO