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Trai clarification on consultation paper on differential pricing

Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) chairman R S Sharma on Friday said the consultation paper issued by the regulator on differential pricing for data services being offered by telecom companies must not be construed for net neutrality.

“What we are saying is that it is a specific issue which we have raised, that may be a part of net neutrality… This is a specific problem which has come to the notice of Trai and we are consulting the stakeholders to know their views,” Trai chairman R S Sharma said on the sidelines of an event. “The consultation paper issued is not related on net neutrality. That was the question then, this question is completely different. Here, what we are saying is tie-up between the content providers and telecom service providers, so that they start offering differential rates for that websites, whether that is appropriate or not,” he argued.
