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Brazil moving ahead with multi-band spectrum auction

Brazil’s National Telecommunications Agency (Agencia Nacional de Telecomunicacoes, Anatel) has confirmed that it has received a total of nine applications ahead of its long-awaited multi-band spectrum auction, which is scheduled to take place on 17 December. The full list of applicants is as follows: Claro Brasil, Clivo Participacoes, Lig Telecomunicacoes, Nextel Brasil, Sercomtel, Sky Brasil Servicos (Sky Brazil), Telefonica Brasil (Vivo), TIM Participacoes (TIM Brasil) and TPA Telecomunicacoes.

According to documentation issued by the watchdog the process will be divided into three lots. The aforementioned companies are all eligible to submit bids for Lot A and Lot B of the auction. The spectrum being sold in Lot C, meanwhile, will be distributed on a municipality-by-municipality basis. Spectrum will be divided in roughly 9,000 regional parcels; pre-registration has not been required for Lot C bidders.

As previously reported by TeleGeography’s CommsUpdate, Lot A will include a 2×15MHz block of frequency division duplex (FDD) spectrum in the 1800MHz band, with a starting price of BRL449.9 million (USD118.7 million), alongside supplementary 2×2.5MHz and 2×5MHz blocks of 1800MHz spectrum (BRL37.8 million-BRL198.8 million). Lot B, meanwhile, consists of 2×10MHz blocks of 2500MHz spectrum, with a starting price of BRL283.9 million.
