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3G to be boon for Palestine's consumers and economy

With 4.6 million Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, a burgeoning Internet sector and a very high usage of social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, demand for 3G is expected to be strong, even if it is a generation behind the 4G networks now in use in many markets.

Officials say the service will also be a boon for consumers working remotely, including those stuck at Israeli checkpoints and needing to pay urgent bills or get work done.

After lengthy negotiations, Israel and the Palestinian Authority signed an agreement last month opening the way for the network, with services expected in the Israeli-occupied West Bank by the second half of 2016 and afterwards in Gaza.

Palestinian mobile operators Paltel and Wataniya have set aside a combined $150 million for the upgrade from 2G.

"The use of fast Internet, especially in the mobile sector, will contribute greatly to increasing GDP," Palestinian telecoms minister, Allam Moussa, told Reuters.

The Palestinian Authority's gross domestic product totalled $12.7 billion in 2014, according to the World Bank. Studies indicate a 10 percent increase in broadband use adds around 1 percentage point to GDP. With unemployment at 27 percent, the Palestinian territories could do with the boost.

"It may inject $80-$100 million into the Palestinian economy every year," said Ammar Aker, chief executive of PalTel Group, calling it a rough estimate.

The Palestinian Authority already hosts a number of App designers, and new investment is expected to create jobs in the design and making of Apps and in the IT sector among others.

Describing a situation familiar to many Palestinians, former telecoms minister Mashhour Abu Daqqa talked up the advantage of 3G for consumers: "You can do all your business over the Internet while waiting for the crossing to open," he told Reuters. "An employee or a businessman would be able to finish his work while at home, in a cafe or anywhere."

Still, while cellular operators are pleased that Israel - which under interim peace accords effectively has a final say over allocating radio frequencies in the West Bank - has given the go-ahead, they are disappointed not to jump straight to 4G.

"From an investment point of view it would have been better for us," said PalTel's Aker. "But we would have needed another two years of negotiation."
