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Orange, Huawei team to build energy efficient telecom networks

Orange and Huawei announced cooperation to invent and build high energy efficiency telecommunications networks by 2020.

The partnership will accelerate the implementation of high energy-efficient solutions in Orange’s infrastructures to achieve the company’s 2020 objective of reducing CO2 emissions per customer-usage by 50 percent.

Huawei will contribute to Orange 2020 environmental objectives by providing better energy efficient solutions, said Zhilei Zou, the president of Carrier Business Group, Huawei.

Both companies have been partners since 2013.

The cooperation has enabled the design of customer connector cards that reduce energy consumption by 50 percent for ADSL access and 70 percent for fiber-optic access. Orange is currently assessing the cards for future deployment on their fixed networks.

The companies have also developed energy-saving features for mobile networks that can save an average of 10 percent of radio equipment energy consumption. Orange has already started to deploy these features in their mobile networks.

Another area of cooperation is to develop a modular convergent infrastructure for both fixed and mobile services. A platform is already set up at Huawei research laboratories in Shenzhen. Orange plan to launch a first pilot trial for this solution in 2016.

The companies will focus, further develop and test in field situations and new solutions that bring more energy efficiency and environmental benefits. They plan to design new network architecture, enabled by fibre-optics, use of new components and signal processing algorithms to improve mobile network power amplifiers, and Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) to optimize telecommunications infrastructures.

The partnership will also work to improve data storage management within the cloud and improve energy efficiency by improving power supply and implementing renewable energy and advanced cooling technologies. Both companies aim to meet their “zero watt @ zero load” vision.
