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Sudatel signed a contract with the Taxation Chamber for fiber optics connection

In the presence of the minister of Finance & National Economy, Sudatel signed a second contract with Sudan Taxation Chamber to connect 136 sites with fiber optic network, to be followed by another 100 sites. This connection will enable this financial body to utilize the technology in its services and proceed on money collection through electronic tools.

Under the economic reforms pursued by the government, the Ministry of Finance and National Economy decided to implement new tools of funds collection via electronic voucher 15. This new method will increase transparency and enhance efficiency in public services delivery. It brings also many benefits to both public and private sector to improve their performance.

This agreement is part of many contracts signed by Sudatel Group in the frame of the E. Government implementation project. It is noteworthy that Sudatel is playing a major role in the preparation of the appropriate infrastructure of this strategic project. Sudatel has already signed a number of agreements with the National Information Centre, which is the main body in charge of the implementation of the E. government.

Commenting on that, the CEO of Sudatel Group, Eng. Tarig Hamza Zein Elabdin said:”Sudatel is one of the strong pillars of the national economy and has a major contribution in building the infrastructure of the e-government. We are committed to offer the maximum services we can to reach the ultimate goals of performance and sustainable economic development”.

Sudatel signed recently a contract in China for the construction of the National Broadband Network, which is crucial project for Sudatel and for the telecom sector in general. This project will improve the telecom sector infrastructure that will lead to the optimization of the services offered by the e-government.

Source: Sudatel