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T-Mobile will let customers stream Netflix and HBO without using up data

T-Mobile will now let customers stream video from services like Netflix, Hulu, and HBO Go without having it count toward their mobile data plans, the company announced today at its 10th Uncarrier event in Los Angeles. The plan, called Binge On, builds on the company's Music Freedom initiative, which broke out music streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music from customers' data plans starting last year.

Though Binge On includes 24 streaming video services, YouTube — and its new paid subscription service YouTube Red — is notably absent from the list. Another big catch with the plan is T-Mobile's decision to cap streams at "DVD-quality," which means you'll be watching at 480p. That's far below the 1080p standard we've come to expect with modern mobile internet speeds. T-Mobile says 480p offers "outstanding quality" on a smartphone, but it plans to upscale the video streams as newer mobile networking technology improves. The company did confirm that when you're on Wi-Fi, Binge On will not cap the quality.

T-Mobile CEO John Legere says Binge On should help his company claim more customers. Binge On, which comes at no extra cost, will automatically start for every T-Mobile customer with a 3GB or higher data plan on November 20th, but customers can turn the Binge On feature if they so choose.

The company also announced that it's doubling the amount of data on each of its plans. T-Mobile used to offer plans with 1GB, 3GB, and 5GB of data, as well as a $70 a month unlimited data plan. Those tiers are now 2GB, 6GB, and 10GB. Legere said onstage that the total amount of overage fees collected this year will amount to an estimated $2.4 billion.
