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Myanmar's financial institution to virtualize data center and infrastructure

Myanmar’s Ayeyardwady Bank (AYA Bank) has contracted systems integrator NEX4 ICT Solutions to overhaul the financial service provider's IT infrastructure.

The deployment includes using VMware products to virtualize AYA bank’s data center and networking infrastructure to enable agility, flexibility and scalability, with the aim to better serve Myanmar’s growing digital economy.

Since its formation in 2011, AYA Bank has always prioritized its customers, with a strong belief in technology’s role in ensuring long term sustainable growth, service delivery for its customers and community at large.

Technology has been recognized as an enabler for businesses to innovate and be more productive particularly in today’s digital age.

The opening of Myanmar’s economy has given rise to increased digitization of its economy, with mobile subscriptions expected to reach 38.5 million by end of 2019. With smartphones and connectivity, speed and way of communicating and transacting like e-payment and mobile banking, are now possible.

From banking, trading to payment services, AYA Bank’s employees across the country create and manage high amounts of data ranging from customer information, financial records and more daily. With increasing growth in business, AYA Bank needed the ability to provision the necessary support to manage the rising data volumes at a cost-effective and efficient manner.

“To better serve our customers in today’s digital age, we are glad to partner with VMware in enhancing our ability to provide faster and more reliable services across our 124 branch offices in Myanmar. In a highly competitive industry where prompt and good customer service is critical, we saw IT as the driver in supporting our business, enhancing our customer service delivery, business productivity while ensuring security,” Phyo Aung, MD, AYA Bank.
