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Huawei targets 15% of mobile market in Morocco

Huawei’s current market share in Morocco does not exceed 3% in the mobile market. According to Thomas Xu, Huwaei’s general director in Morocco, the Chinese enterprise is seeking to triple its share in the next three years.

“We are aiming at exceeding the 15 % threshold in the next three years” said Thomas Xu. The enterprise relies on the implementation of the 4G network and optical fibers to offer competitive products in the Moroccan markets.

Thomas Xu highlighted that Huawei’s strategy is to make use of the huge investment made in the 4G by the three Moroccan operators: Maroc Telecom, Inwi and Meditel. “It’s an opportunity for us, as they will have many projects to reinforce their mobile network” Thomas Xu said.

Aiming to reinforce its presence in Morocco, Huawei’s commercial strategy will focus on local distributors as “[they] are not seeking to create [their] own distribution network, [they] rely on local partners and distributors with whom [they] hope to achieve good commercial performance” Thomas Xu explained

After obtaining Casablanca Finance City label last July, the Chinese company aspires for Morocco to be the hub of its activities in North and West Africa. It also seeks to take advantage of the benefits granted by Casablanca Finance City.

The company highlighted that Morocco is becoming an emerging model; making use of an improved business climate, good quality human capital, and technological progress.

The company runs, from its regional subsidiary in Casablanca, the development of services including: management, supervision, and consulting, training.

As for technical support, it is granted to its other subsidiaries implanted in the other African francophone countries such as Algeria, Chad, Mali Mauritania, Niger, Senegal and Tunisia.
