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Positive telecom price trends

Bahrain’s telecom price trends have been generally very positive for consumers, board members of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) have been told.

There has been up to 25 per cent reduction in the level of prices for mobile services, and up to 65pc reduction for fixed broadband services for the period from 2012-2013.

A meeting of the regulator’s board also noted that overall prices are amongst the lowest in the region for most services and customer groups.

Bahrain’s mobile and broadband penetration of 182 per cent and 147pc respectively is one of the highest in the region.

In addition, a TRA commissioned market survey by AC Nielsen showed satisfaction for mobile and broadband services reached 90pc last year compared with 60pc in 2007.

Board members expressed their satisfaction with the progress of the telecommunications sector in the kingdom according to the latest indicators.

The meeting discussed the latest market indicators in the telecommunications sector in the kingdom for the first quarter, as the telecommunications market in Bahrain has developed positively in a number of areas.
