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ZDF revamps its Mediathek streaming platform

German public broadcaster ZDF is completely overhauling its Mediathek streaming platform and website in order to compete better and attract a younger vaudience.

According to a story on German media website the pubcaster will relaunch the platform on March 18, which includes renaming the platform. ZDF director Norbert Himmler emphasised the importance of online distribution for the broadcaster’s content.

As part of the relaunch, the name ZDF Mediathek will gradually be phased out, aiming to modernize ZDF’s image and transform it into a streaming platform similar to Amazon or Netflix. The Mediathek had previously been more of a companion to broadcasts, but now it will focus on streaming, with phrases like “Now streaming on ZDF” instead of “Available now in the ZDF Mediathek.”

The website will also see changes, moving away from programme-specific references. Tina Kuscher, who leads the digital products and automation department at ZDF, mentioned that younger users found traditional TV references confusing, highlighting the shift from linear TV to streaming.

The relaunch will affect both the frontend and backend of the platform, changing both what users see and the underlying infrastructure.
