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CITRA proposes new licensing regulations for Internet Service Providers in Kuwai

The Communications and Information Technology Regulatory Authority (CITRA) has proposed two draft regulatory decisions aimed at governing the licensing requirements for wireless and Internet service providers in Kuwait. According to the draft decisions, the annual license fees for wireless Internet service providers and Internet service providers are set at KD 75,000 and KD 98,000, respectively.

To secure a license, applicants are required to submit an unconditional bank guarantee letter equivalent to the license fee value, valid throughout the license period. The new regulations also stipulate that service providers must install and operate necessary devices and programs to block access to websites that violate public order, religion, morals, or national security, as per CITRA’s instructions.

The draft regulations further mandate that licensees must not connect their private networks to any local or international networks outside Kuwait without CITRA’s prior written approval. Additionally, Internet service providers are prohibited from allowing their subscribers to resell the service.

The licensing process includes a detailed review by CITRA of the applicant’s administrative, technical, and financial capabilities. Service providers may only offer wireless Internet services after obtaining necessary approvals and frequency allocations from CITRA. CITRA is required to issue a ruling on license applications within 60 working days, after verifying that all necessary requirements have been met.

The proposed regulatory changes aim to strengthen the oversight of the telecom sector, ensuring that both Internet and wireless service providers operate under clear guidelines and maintain high standards of compliance and security.
