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Saudi Arabia holds leadership positions in several international roles at ITUWTSA

Saudi Arabia chairs a number of leadership positions during the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (ITUWTSA) held in New Delhi, India; which was a result of consensus by the member states of the ITU’s Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T). The Saudi representatives will assume executive roles in the assembly, in addition to their membership as chairs and vice-chairs of study groups in the telecommunications standardization sector and the advisory team for telecommunications standardization.

WTSA-24 elected Eng. Abdullah AlMubadal, Deputy Governor of Telecom Sector at CST, as Vice Chair of WTSA-24, while Eng. Abdurahman AL Hassan, Deputy Governor of the Strategy and International Cooperation Sector at the National Cybersecurity Authority, was elected as the Chair of the Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group (TSAG).

The assembly announced the election of Eng. Muath AlRumayh, General Manager of International Affairs at CST, as Vice Chair of Committee 4 responsible for studying and standardizing digital technologies as well as the Vice Chair of the Study Group on IoT, smart cities & ​​communities, while Shahd AlBalawi, Director of International Representation at CST, has been appointed as Vice Chair of Committee 5 responsible for technical terms. Moreover, Eng. Abdulrahman AlMughamis, Director of Digital Resource Management at CST, was appointed as Vice Chair of the Study Group on Operational Aspects for Service Provision and Communication Management, and Eng. Abdulrahman AlDhbiban, Director of Service Quality Development, took on the role of Vice Chair of the Study Group on performance, quality of service and quality of experience . Additionally, Afnan AlRomi was elected Vice Chair of the Study Group on Security.

This achievement is a testimony of Saudi Arabia’s crucial role in developing international standards that foster global innovation. It also reflects the global community trust in Saudi Arabia's contributions represented by CST in enhancing standardization activities within the ITU. Their efforts will align with technological advancements, driving economic growth, achieving sustainable development, and shaping the future of Communications, Space and Technology sectors globally.

Saudi Arabia has been a member of ITU's board for nearly six decades and is a strong contributor to the it's initiatives and objectives, as well as its working groups and committees. KSA aims to enhance regional and international cooperation and solidarity in the field of radio communications by holding leadership positions within ITU.
