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Peru 4G-LTE coverage to reach 100% of rural localities in 2025

The Executive Branch has set the goal of achieving 86% progress in mobile internet coverage at the regional level by October of this year.

During her Message to the Nation on July 28, the President of the Republic, Dina Boluarte, indicated that various rural communities will have 4G mobile services.

"By October of this year, 3,282 rural locations will have 4G mobile services, reaching an advance of 86%. The remaining 14%, 543 locations, will receive 4G services in 2025," she noted.

The president recalled that in the 2023 4G tender, a commitment to base coverage was established instead of collecting fees. As a result of the competition in the auction, 3,825 locations with 4G services were offered, with an investment of more than 600 million dollars in 2024 and 2025.

"Concession renewals and spectrum allocation processes aim to connect more Peruvians, prioritizing technical criteria to adequately value the resource," mentioned the head of state.

In addition, she highlighted that the Coverage Fee mechanism allows operators to redirect up to 60% of the payment for spectrum use towards investments in infrastructure in areas without 4G service.

"Currently, 665 rural localities have mobile services through this mechanism, benefiting 140,000 inhabitants. This year, we have chosen 425 additional rural localities in 22 regions, which will benefit 68,000 inhabitants," she said.

Educational and health entities

As part of the contract obligations for regional telecommunications projects, President Boluarte assured that the transportation network in 18 regions will be completed by the end of this year. With this, there will be a network of more than 40,000 km of fiber optics (including the National Backbone Fiber Optic Network), which will connect 180 provincial capitals and 1,481 districts nationwide.

This will allow internet connectivity, through dedicated fiber optics to the establishment, to be provided to 1,328 public schools and 699 public health centers in rural areas or areas of preferential social interest in the first half of 2025, so that they can access the benefits of what internet access brings to our schools and health centers: increased work productivity and greater opportunities for young people, adults and seniors.

Likewise, she mentioned that investment projects are being developed and their financing is being managed with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the World Bank (WB) to be able to provide internet connectivity in 2026 and 2027, through dedicated fiber optics, to more than 4,680 public schools and 476 public health centers, in rural locations and of preferential social interest.

"In our government we are laying the foundations for the digital development of people and entrepreneurs, not only in large cities but especially in rural and remote areas of our country. This will allow us true digital inclusion and address development future of our country with greater digital connectivity," she said.
