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SoftBank, KDDI expand collaboration to build 5G networks

Japanese telecom operators SoftBank and KDDI Corporation said they have agreed to start discussions to potentially expand the scope of their ongoing collaborative initiative for jointly building 5G networks in Japan through their joint venture 5G JAPAN Corporation, the former said in a statement.

Specifically, the carriers said they would consider expanding applicable coverage areas from rural areas to areas nationwide and to explore the mutual utilization of 4G base station assets, in addition to the current scope of 5G assets, among other initiatives.

By expanding the scope of their collaboration, SoftBank and KDDI will aim to jointly build out a total of 100,000 base stations each by the fiscal year 2030, ending March 31, 2031, and achieve total capital expenditure cost reductions of JPY120 billion ($771 million), respectively.

“SoftBank and KDDI are aiming to enhance Japan’s international competitiveness by establishing 5G networks that empower all industries, thereby contributing to its industrial development, regional revitalization, and national resilience. As part of this initiative, both companies established a joint venture, 5G JAPAN, on April 1, 2020,” SoftBank said.
