To serve as a unified voice for Telecom Operators and a platform for Indusry Decision-Makers to help bring about a consensus-driven policy and required regulatory change for enabling digital transformation in the SA-ME-NA region.
To continually act a sector-development partner to regional Governments, Regulators, and the Industry for the joint creation of a flourishing and sustainable ICT environment, in order to aid sustainable growth, incentivize investments, and broaden value-creation via the adoption of new collaboration-driven approaches in the areas of Digital Services, Data Regulation, Spectrum Management, and Industry Fees & Taxation, among others.
- Assisting in the Development of Collaboration-driven Public Policy and Regulatory Frameworks

- Bringing Industry Stakeholders Together, to Mobilize Strategize that Aid Revenue-Generation
SAMENA Council Mandate
- Promote the development and adoption of national and sector-specific digitization policies that create new growth opportunities for telecom operators and ICT industry stakeholders while accelerating socio-economic development in the region.
- Promote the progress of telecom sector governance and regulation in the region to support the evolving scope, dynamics, and needs of the telecommunications industry, and enable its growth and sustainability
- Facilitate the creation of an environment conducive to incentivizing operators’ investment in the next-generation broadband infrastructure, including enabling policies, regulation, standards, and business models.
- Promote co-operation between telecom operators and other industry stakeholders to enhance industry efficiency and enhance value creation.

Promote Broadband Infrastructure Investment
- Broadband policies & regulations
- New business models with stakeholders
- Government demand stimulation
- 5G/5.5G deployment
- Spectrum Harmonization
- Fiber Rollouts
- IPV6 transition
- New digital infrastructure funding approaches
- Remove barriers to investment and stimulating demand
- Leverage government support and ensure ROI
- Reduce royalties and financial obligations
Promote Stakeholder Cooperation
- Regional exchange and agreements
- Harmonized position on standards
- Cross industry forum
- Sustainable Business Models
- Data Roaming transparency initiatives
- SMART Government initiatives
- Business transformation
- Enhance quality & Efficiencies
- Merger & Acquisitions
Promote Digitization Policies
- Clear and well funded national ICT policies and executive models
- Recognize Telecom Operators as partners of choice for driving large scale digitization program
- National Digitization Programa and visions
- IoT Ecosystem
- Local Content Development / Domain Names
- Mobile Health & Safety
- Create new opportunities for investments, innovations & partnership
- SMART Government, SMART Living, SMART Economy
Promote Transparency and Collaboration in Fulfilling Governance and Smart Regulation Goals
- Distinct and effective fulfillment of policy, regulation and roles
- Role of different stakeholders as key drivers for policy & Regulations
- More transparency in regulatory decision and practice
- Internet Governance
- Collaborative Regulation
- Closer integration between Telecom, Other sectors and Industries
- Performance measurements
- Sustainable Incentivized investments